Monday 30 April 2012

When People Gain Weight

Some people find it normal to be overweight and do not want to change anything in their way of life. No exercise, no sports, no diets – they are just happy to be who and how they are. They have no inferiority complexes and do not care about liposuction. One can envy such people, who do not spend hours at gyms and indulge themselves at the dinner table. In reality excess weight increases the risk of many illnessesAnd overweight people are the last ones to envy.Be ready to surprises. If you gain only 3.5 kg, then you expose yourself to many health risks:

  • the risk of arthritis increases by 15%,
  • the risk of high blood pressure increases by 72%,
  • the risk of male erection problems increases by 50%,
  • the risk of ovary and neck of uterus illnesses increases by 20%,
  • the risk of high blood cholesterol level increases by 49%
  • the risk of death after the first heart attack increases by 20%,
  • the risk of throatstomachkidneys and bowels cancer increases by 65%,
  • the risk of occurrence of gallstones and kidney stones increases by 85
  • the risk of asthma increases by 20%.
If these numbers are not enough, scientists have also established, that overweight people suffer from injuries from every-day activities and pain in the small of their back five times more often, than thin ones do. There is some more statistics: 40% of female heart diseases are associated with excess weight.Arthritisbreast cancerosteoporosis and excess weight often go together. Diabetes is directly connected with obesity. As you can see, excess weight not only makes people unattractive, but alsoshortens life, increases the risk of many chronic diseases and leads to fatal diseases. Please, regulate your weight, be active and do not let fat food and sedentary life-style damage your health andappearance.

How to Make Your Breasts Beautiful with Exercises

As centuries pass by, the standards of a beautiful bosom have changed for a number of times, today an ideal bust is considered the one with a shape that remains the same no matter what movements your body performs. Hence, a beautiful bosom is considered the one with high, elastic breasts, regardless of their size; the main point of a beautiful bust is its tone. The perfect sport to increase the tone and improve the appearance of your breasts is swimming, the second alternative, in case there is no way to practice this sport, is to see a fitness trainer or do some simple but effective exercises, which will help you strengthen the pectoral muscles by yourself.

Exercise 1 for Beautiful Breasts. Pressure

Applying pressure is the simplest exercise for your bust. Stand tall facing the wall, lean against it with your hands. Press against the wall as hard as you can, as if you want to move it, keep on pushing for 10 seconds. Relax, shake your hands. Do a set of 10 repetitions.

Exercise 2 for Beautiful Breasts. Elbows Touch

Stand tall, bend your hands slightly in the elbows, keep your hands on your hips. Try to touch your elbows one to the other behind your back, do not do it in jerks, but rather do it slowly, stretching the muscles for 10-15 seconds. Repeat 8 times.

Exercise 3 for Beautiful Breasts. Palms Pressing

The next exercise for beautiful breasts as follows: join your palms in front of the chest and press them hard against each other for 3-5 seconds. Repeat 8-10 times.

Exercise 4 for Beautiful Breasts. “Dry” Breast-Stroke

If you can not go to a swimming pool, do this effective exercise to improve the tone of your  breasts. Stand tall, nestle up to the wall, squeeze the pectoral muscles and make movements, as if you are breast-stroke swimming. Do a hundred slow strokes, keep your pectoral muscles tense all the time.

Finishing Exercises for Beautiful Breasts with Posture Exercise

The best way to finish this set of exercises for your bust is to do an exercise which targets your posture. Take a thick book, put it on your head and walk around the house for a few minutes like that, trying to keep it on your crown. This will help you relax the muscles effectively and give them the needed working tone. If you can not walk like that, at least try standing with the book on your head. You can hold on to a chair or the wall, but do not lean against the wall.

Getting Rid Of Tummy Fat

Eat A Low-Fat Diet

Poor diet and lack of exercise are the only two reasons that result in accumulation of fat in the stomach. Running a mile will not be effective if you gorge on a pound of red meat . As such, eating the right kind of foods in the right quantities is essential for keeping the belly fat at a distance. Your diet should comprise of high fiber fruits and vegetables, such as apples, strawberries, prunes, beans, broccoli, carrots, and cauliflower. Include loads of low-fat proteins, like chicken breast, and complex carbohydrates, such as brown rice, whole wheat, green leafy vegetables, multi grain pasta, and legumes as well. In addition, eliminate fried foods, fast food, red meats, and processed foods from your diet for quicker results.

Drink Water

The more water you drink, the faster you will be able to get rid of your belly fat. By eliminating wastes from the body, water helps in reducing the accumulation of fats in the tummy. With insufficient supply of water to the body, the liver, which is highly an important organ for burning fat, starts functioning slowly. As such, if the liver does not function towards burning fat, the body starts building up fat, thereby resulting in weight gain on the belly. Therefore, drinks lots of water, about a gallon, every day to keep your body hydrated and lose belly fat fast. You can also include natural fruit juices along with water.

Walk It Out

Cardiovascular exercises are extremely important for burning unnecessary calories and losing out the belly fat. However, you do not have to run for miles to lose those calories. A simple walk to the market or workplace is a great way to keep the fat from collecting on your tummy. Further, this acts as a great exercise for keeping you in shape and energized for the whole day.


Performing simple stomach crunches will not help you in getting rid of the fat on your belly. You will have to include upper crunches, lower crunches, sit-ups, leg raises, and oblique abdominal exercises in your exercise regimen, along with these crunches. Alternatively, you can also indulge in swimming a number of times every week. This works on your entire body towards losing stomach fat as it builds cardiovascular fitness and works on the muscles in the abdomen. Other cardiovascular exercises that you can indulge yourself are jogging, running, and aerobics.

Avoid Skipping Meals

You must heard numerous nutritionists and diet experts asking you to skip meals in order to lose belly fat. But the fact is that skipping meals has never helped in losing weight. Further, it is a gateway for severe problems in the future. It causes a drop in the metabolic rate which, in turn, is a major reason behind burning lesser calories. Thus, to keep your body in the continuous process of burning fat, stay metabolized by eating the right fat burning foods.

Quit Alcohol

A belly is often the result of consumption of lots of alcoholic drinks. Though you may think that you are burning calories by drinking, it adds on a lot of fat on your belly, since it contains umpteen empty calories. Thus, it is best to quit drinking. However, if you cannot stand eliminating alcohol from your lifestyle, opt for low-carb or low-calorie beverages.

You do not have to be a genius to get a flat stomach. The right kind of expertise, motivation, and persistence will help you burn those calories in your tummy and flaunt a slim waistline in no time.