Monday 30 April 2012

When People Gain Weight

Some people find it normal to be overweight and do not want to change anything in their way of life. No exercise, no sports, no diets – they are just happy to be who and how they are. They have no inferiority complexes and do not care about liposuction. One can envy such people, who do not spend hours at gyms and indulge themselves at the dinner table. In reality excess weight increases the risk of many illnessesAnd overweight people are the last ones to envy.Be ready to surprises. If you gain only 3.5 kg, then you expose yourself to many health risks:

  • the risk of arthritis increases by 15%,
  • the risk of high blood pressure increases by 72%,
  • the risk of male erection problems increases by 50%,
  • the risk of ovary and neck of uterus illnesses increases by 20%,
  • the risk of high blood cholesterol level increases by 49%
  • the risk of death after the first heart attack increases by 20%,
  • the risk of throatstomachkidneys and bowels cancer increases by 65%,
  • the risk of occurrence of gallstones and kidney stones increases by 85
  • the risk of asthma increases by 20%.
If these numbers are not enough, scientists have also established, that overweight people suffer from injuries from every-day activities and pain in the small of their back five times more often, than thin ones do. There is some more statistics: 40% of female heart diseases are associated with excess weight.Arthritisbreast cancerosteoporosis and excess weight often go together. Diabetes is directly connected with obesity. As you can see, excess weight not only makes people unattractive, but alsoshortens life, increases the risk of many chronic diseases and leads to fatal diseases. Please, regulate your weight, be active and do not let fat food and sedentary life-style damage your health andappearance.

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